Storm season is brewing. Are your fuel systems ready?
With the official start of the 2024 Hurricane season approaching, now is the time for fuel operators to check protocols and anticipate the potential impacts of storms and natural disasters. There’s no disputing the fact that the frequency and severity of such events has increased, which is why preparing now for operational continuity, as well as service and supply chain contingencies, is critical.
In just the first quarter of 2024, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has already recorded several “billion-dollar weather events” across the central, southern, and northeast regions of the United States. These severe storms, including tornadoes, high winds, and baseball-sized hail, have caused almost $6 billion in damages, and taken several lives. Add the fact that this closely followed extreme east coast storm-surge flooding in December, and a six-month drought in the South and Midwest between spring and fall 2023. It’s clear that climate change will continue to spur unpredictable weather challenges for the foreseeable future.
Downtime caused by the severe conditions of storm season can negatively impact fuel operations and revenue long after the storm clouds have parted. Managing fallout beyond interruptions in service, fuel operators may be left to deal with physical damage to infrastructure and fuel systems. Repairs, especially when those who can make them may be overwhelmed with requests, cost even more time and money. To top it off, the amount of time it will take to get back on track can be tough to estimate following a disaster.
With severe weather events increasing year over year, enhanced monitoring and response capabilities can mean the difference between coming through a storm fully operational or managing costly downtime for days to weeks afterward. Industry-specific technology has become a vital tool for fuel operators to strengthen storm preparedness.
Titan Cloud’s Fuel Asset Optimization platform does this by providing fuel operators with:
By leveraging innovative technologies and implementing robust contingency plans, businesses can minimize the impact of extreme weather events and safeguard their operations against disruptions.
To learn how Titan Cloud can fortify your business against whatever Mother Nature sends your way this year, speak with one of our solutions experts.